showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
SimEarth: The Living Planet  Maxis1990Guide the development of a planet and the lifeforms of it from primordial beginnings to the development and exodus of multiple intelligent species.

A large number of reviews claim there is no 'game' in this game. They are referring to the game's various open-ended modes play. These reviews ignore the scenarios mode with three levels of difficulty. Each mode has win conditions and loss conditions.***
[37]***Take charge of an entire planet from its birth until its death--10 billion years later. Guide life from its inception as single-celled microbes to a civilization that can reach for the stars. Inspired by James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, SimEarth simulates the Earth as a single living organism.
SimAnt Maxis Software1991Based on real ant biology and behavior, SimAnt lets you experience life as an ant: Defend your home from deadly predators; Face menacing hordes of enemy ants; Invade the homes of humans; Endure the dangers of insecticide poisoning; Fight for queen and colony; Reproduce to make more ants. labelminimizeminimize
Jones in the Fast Lane Sierra On-Line1992Based on the enhanced CD-ROM version of the game. labelimageminimize
SimLife Maxis1994Build an ecosystem from the ground up. Design plants and animals from the genetic level to influence how they look, act, and eventually evolve. Test their adaptive abilities by turning their environment into either a paradise where life is easy or a wasteland where only the strongest survive. labelimageminimize